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Inauguration of the X-ray service at the Mártires de Las Tunas Pediatric Hospital

Several works were inaugurated in the capital of the eastern province of Las Tunas as part of the activities for the 70th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks, which constitute significant contributions to the social benefit and pediatric health services in the territory.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- At the Mártires de Las Tunas Pediatric Hospital, the Emergency service is a pleasant, welcoming, and functional place for patients and professionals. Several consultations were remodeled, as well as the Diagnostic Media area, the Central Laboratory, and the X-Ray room.

The director of the care center, Dr. María Cristina Cisneros, assures that the work of Diagnostic Media favors everyone by providing better medical care, with more comfort to attend to the patients, something that motivates because they work in a pleasant environment.
The same occurs with the waiting room of the Emergencies area, with new furniture and state-of-the-art climate equipment. It also includes the total revitalization of the service and the Blood Bank, which did not exist.

X-ray service at the Mártires de Las Tunas Pediatric Hospital

She said that the general repair of the Hospital does not stop. Accordingly, the inflow of financial and material resources, the center's lobby, which is already 63 years old, the Hospitalization, Urology, and Nephrology cubicles, and the completion of the Maternal and Child Hospital are revitalized.

In Popular Council 6, a food store, a pharmacy, and a butcher shop were inaugurated; and, soon, a family doctor's office will open, for the benefit of more than seven thousand inhabitants of the Velázquez, Finlay, and San José districts.

Also, in the La Arboleda gastronomic complex, one of the most emblematic facilities of the Las Tunas capital, several objects of work were inaugurated that provide greater comfort to the place, which undertakes a capital repair process.

X-ray service at the Mártires de Las Tunas Pediatric Hospital

Central Laboratory at the Mártires de Las Tunas Pediatric Hospital

Pharmacy at the Velázquez distric in Las Tunas city