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 Seeds Unit in Las Tunas contributes with the cold planting season

The Seeds basic business unit (UEB in Spanish) of the province of Las Tunas plans to plant 183 hectares (ha) of various crops during the cold season, from this September until next February.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- With an increase of more than 75 ha about the same period of the previous calendar, the figures include, fundamentally, the planting of 100 ha of beans, 30 ha of maize, and the same number of chickpeas, and the rest of vegetables, sunflowers and fruit trees.

Wilber Núñez Pérez, director of the UEB, told the Cuban News Agency that in the case of grains, beans are the main crop of interest due to their strong demand, which is why they are working on the preparation of land from the seed production farm in the municipality of Manatí and the expansion of other land for harvesting.

To obtain organic fertilizers, the organization uses vermiculture directly in the furrow, which results in considerable savings and a sustainable alternative to the deficiency of fertilizers and industrial products.
In the biofactory, located in the suburban community of Río Potrero, they develop part of the process of adaptation of diverse varieties of bananas and vegetables, with destination to producers of the whole province and other regions of the country.

Asbel Peña Cruz, the main specialist in the area, pointed out that at the moment they are adapting two types of banana, the dwarf of Guantanamo and the PV 06-30, which are well accepted by the farmers due to their proven resistance to drought, the main climatic phenomenon affecting the territory, in an estimated time of 45 to 50 days.

By the end of August, the UEB had earned more than 11 million pesos, out of a planned six million, which allowed it to close with profits of more than one million 400 thousand pesos; data that are the result of the application of alternative practices such as planting the buds of the Fiah-04 clone, a highly productive and strong banana, which has positioned itself as the company's leading product.