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Committees for the Defense of the Revolutions celebrates its 63rd birthday

In the eight municipalities of Las Tunas, the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) prepare political and revolutionary propaganda activities, in addition to the party among neighbors, on the eve of the new anniversary of the organization, founded on September 28, 1960.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Tonight, the highest authorities of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) and the Government, as well as mass organizations, will tour this city. In Popular Council 19, together with the residents, they will wait for the date, Eddy Sander Sánchez, provincial coordinator of the CDR, told 26.

Productive volunteer work, the delivery of the Neighborhood Award to the Colmenita Mágicas Mieles (“Amancio”), the September 28 Distinction, and the Medal for Unity and Defense of the Neighborhood to some outstanding communities and institutions, were included in the celebration program.

The municipality of Majibacoa ratified the National Vanguard Condition and was the territory chosen to carry out the event for the anniversary in the province.