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130 kg of Havana chili were achieved in some half an hectare.

The Calixto Sarduy agricultural production cooperative (CPA, in Spanish), in Las Tunas, made its first harvest of Havana peppers for its commercialization through Agroint, an export and import company in the territory.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- In half a hectare destined for this crop, some 130 kilograms of chili peppers were harvested, whose development was stimulated by the biofertilizer Ecomic, which is produced there, in the only processing plant in eastern Cuba.

Rafael Antonio García, in charge of this facility, explained exclusively to the Cuban News Agency that this harvest is the result of the areas still under experimentation to determine out's effectiveness of Ecomic.

The young engineer explained that there is virgin land that the president of the cooperative, Reydenis González Céspedes, has agreed to use to expand crops. Everything depends on the results in the experimental areas.

The Ecomic plant produced the 20 tones planned for this year and has already begun marketing it to different producers in Las Tunas and other provinces, several of whom have repeated the purchase of the fertilizer because of the results after its application.

At present, in areas close to the facility, tests are also being carried out on other crops such as sweet potato, cassava, and the most innovative: Cuban and Uruguayan wheat, on which experiments are being carried out to compare and evaluate the effectiveness in each case, after the application of urea and Ecomic.

CPA Calixto Sarduy's main economic activity is livestock farming, but it has managed to diversify into various crops for self-sufficiency and to benefit the community of Becerra, where it is located.