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More mobile telephony coverage

Mobile telephone coverage in several rural communities of this eastern Cuban province has also been possible thanks to the contribution of the innovators of the Telecommunication Company of Cuba S.A. (ETECSA). This was demonstrated through the presentations made at its Ramal Forum corresponding to 2020.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The installation of a radio base for mobile telephony in the community of Salgacero, municipality of” Jesús Menéndez,” was one of the most important tasks of ETECSA's Territorial Division in Las Tunas and this would not have been possible without the contribution of the innovators, said its director, M.Sc. Nelson Reyes.

“Thanks also to the ingenuity of our workers and without increasing equipment such as radio bases, we have been able to expand coverage to other communities, for example, Omaja (municipality of Majibacoa) and San Manuel (Puerto Padre),” he added.

Today, more than 85 percent of the population of Las Tunas has access to at least one Internet connection, and that has been made possible by the efforts of the innovators, he concluded.

They also made it possible for these and other investments to be made in the midst of the physical distance and health control measures that the country took as a result of the new coronavirus pandemic, said engineer José Villalta Curbelo, head of the development group at ETECSA Las Tunas.

A total of 60 investigations were presented at the meeting hosted at the Luis Urquiza Jorge Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences. They were classified among the more than 100 discussed in the meetings held in the basic forums. Grouped in seven commissions, they exhibited their achievements in voice and data access, wireless transmission and networks, outside plant, terminals and subscriber network, commercial, energy; representation, logistics and services, and automotive transport.

A total of 60 investigations were presented at the meeting