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Four Las Tunas municipalities with condition of Outstanding for 60th anniversary of Women's Federation

Four Las Tunas municipalities rise to the forefront of national emulation for the 60th anniversary of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC). Beyond rejoicing, the daughters of this land renew their commitments to respond to current demands with the leading role that characterizes them.

Las Tunas, Cuba.– Yaneidys Pérez Cruz, secretary-general of the FMC in the province, said that “Jesús Menéndez,” Manatí, “Colombia” and “Amancio” stood out for the fulfillment of the organization's tasks, the mass movement in each of the planned activities, and the work of cadres and workers. Thanks to the work of women in these territories, the province obtained superior results to the previous year.

"We have maintained working relationships with Agriculture and we include more affiliates in Urban and Family Agriculture, in addition to extending the breeding of poultry. Furthermore, attention is given to new generations, achieving the constant incorporation of young women at the stage that corresponds to the growth in our ranks."

Teresa Amarrelle Boué, Secretary-General of the FMC National Committee and member of the Cuban Council of State, recognized the active participation of Cubans in the confrontation with the COVID-19.

The leader commented that this year the indicators showed better results compared to previous periods because there has been a greater link with the base. Sometimes, she added, a call has not been necessary; Cubans have shown their willingness, both the youngest and the elderly.

In the Balcony of Eastern Cuba, there is no shortage of activities in honor of the six decades of this organization, despite the fact that this time it must be celebrated in a different way. Here, there won’t be a provincial act, but one of decoration to commend the outstanding municipalities in the national emulation.

In greeting to the anniversary, a program of activities was organized that includes debates on issues of gender equality in the communities, homage to the members of the Henry Reeve international medical contingent, the delivery of recognition to the most outstanding in the fight against the pandemic and meetings in work centers.

The federated women will make tours of the Vilma Espín route, who visited the eight municipalities of Las Tunas. Nor will the well-deserved tribute to this great revolutionary be missing; paradigm for Cubans who defend and believe in the possibility of building a better world.