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Italian solidarity with Cuba activists sent a letter in support of our people.

"These are difficult days. In addition to the serious international situation and the winds of war that blow in many countries of the world, we are deeply saddened to learn of the current problems in Cuba," said Franco Tonon, regional coordinator of the Lombardy circles of the Italy-Cuba National Association of Friendship (ANAIC), in a letter, regarding the severe energy crisis that our country is going through, combined with the damage caused in the eastern end of the Island by Hurricane Oscar.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- "The serious energy situation, added to the recent ravage caused by the hurricane, aggravates the damage caused by the criminal US blockade and, unfortunately, creates more difficulties," denounced Tonon.

In recent weeks, the Antillean Archipelago suffered long power outages, which resulted in the collapse of the National Power Grid, on October 18. Two days later, “Oscar” hit four municipalities in the province of Guantanamo, killing eight people and causing severe damage to homes and the road and telecommunications infrastructure in the área, as well.

"However, the activist said in his letter, we are sure that the Cuban people will once again be able to resist and find, in the values and beliefs they possess, the courage to continue their historic battle to be free and independent in a better world. Always know that the comrades who have been working for many years to develop friendship between our two peoples are at your side and support you." Tonon, extended "a very close and fraternal embrace on behalf of the comrades of the Lombardy circles."

The letter sent from the Italian region joins the demonstration of solidarity with Cuba from governments and organizations from 40 countries, who have agreed to denounce that the extreme situation that the nation is experiencing with its National Electric System originates in the obstacles placed by the Government of the United States on Cuba's attempts to acquire the necessary inputs to ensure its infrastructure, generation, and transmission of electricity.