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Las Tunas electrical workers celebrated their National Day.

The nation’s energy contingency, and the scourge of hurricanes Oscar and Rafael in the eastern and western regions of Cuba, in that order, constituted challenges for the electrical workers, who this January 14, as Warriors of Light, celebrated their Day crowning victories.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- With these and other irrefutable arguments, Walter Simón Noris, first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) in this Eastern territory, congratulated them on behalf of the Government and the people, to whom they dedicate their best efforts every day in the face of numerous obstacles.

Simón Noris described the work carried out to restore the damage caused by meteorological phenomena as a feat and emphasized: “You brought to those places not only hope, not only encouragement. You brought faith in victory, the strength of the Revolution, the example of the Revolution.”

The party leader stressed that the merit is not only in the challenges they faced but in the commitments to the future that will bring progress and development, in clear reference to the work they undertake to contribute to the change of the nation's energy matrix by taking advantage of the potential of both renewable sources: Sun and wind.

Outstanding workers were recognized.

He did so in the conclusions of the Act for the Electrical Worker Day, which perpetuates in the symbolic imagination of Cubans the patriotic action of the young revolutionary and anti-imperialist Antonio Guiteras Holmes, later Secretary of the Interior, War, and Navy in the Government of the Hundred Days, who in 1934 nationalized the misnamed Cuban Electricity Company.

Because, contrary to what some might think, the three collapses of the National Electric Energy System (SEN) put to the test the collective capacity to overcome the effects in the shortest possible time and revitalize the sensitive service to the population, which was achieved in epic days in thermoelectric plants and distributed generator sets.

At the event, held at the University of Las Tunas, the Ñico López Distinction was awarded to workers with more than 20 years of uninterrupted work and outstanding performance in the sector. Others were recognized for having been in activities linked to this entity for more than four decades.

Outstanding workers were recognized.

They also honored the base business units of all key areas with outstanding results in their management. The Party and the Government awarded the Company's comprehensive work and new PCC militants received their accreditation card.

Yariety Grotestán Díaz, secretary-general of the Provincial Bureau of the Energy and Mining Union, said: “Despite the difficulties, we have shown that we can forward with perseverance and determination. We have made significant progress in key economic development projects, given our organization's technological and scientific-technical future.”

The young union leader stressed that the future presents new challenges and called for facing them with the same determination and taking advantage of the opportunities to channel the ambitious projects, which seek to create conditions that alleviate today's tensions.

Representatives of all the sector groups in the province attended the ceremony, in which was reaffirmed that they think and work to make this a better year.