Without being able to escape the country's hard economic conditions, the Las Tunas Post Office Company showed enough resilience in 2024 to maintain its main efficiency indicators in positive numbers. In the current year they will strengthen their strategy to promote services such as parcel delivery and the use of renewable energy sources, highlighted its directors.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- “The year 2024 went through a highly worrying scenario, due to the intensification of the U.S. blockade. However, we took up the challenge and sought strategies that allowed us to advance, fulfill, and ensure the sustainability of our economic plan,” said its general director, Douglas Leyva López.
Both, in total planned revenues and merchandise sales, services rendered, and exports, Correos Las Tunas surpassed the planned figures, he said. In addition, he emphasized, that similar positive behaviors were registered in profits and productivity, achieving more than 13 thousand pesos per worker, with which the average salary grew more than expected and exceeded 6,500 pesos per month.
In the past calendar, Leyva López pointed out, the company maintained its firm commitment to services such as parcel delivery, which together with printing and the sale of goods on consignment or through virtual stores, nourished its income. Doing so, he said, occurred by optimizing scarce fossil fuel stocks to the maximum and expanding the use of electric vehicles. “Unifying routes and using electric bikes and scooters brought an obvious improvement in the quality of deliveries,” he said.
Amid these resource limitations, Leyva López listed other revival and repair actions that cost “not only in our company's areas but also in others of social relevance such as education and health”.
This year “will also be complex, he admitted, but we are committed to continue growing so that the great Correos family will continue to benefit. Among the priorities we have is the continuation of the change in the energy matrix through the installation of 13 photovoltaic solar energy systems, which will add almost 1 megawatt that will stabilize the provision of our services.
“We want to increase the number of companies with which we provide parcel services, continue to grow in the number of printing points, guarantee the supplies for them, and increase the number of new services and products,” he concluded.