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The Flora Project is going to have an impact from the floristic inventory point of view

One of the challenges that the specialists of the Bahía de Nuevas Grandes-La Isleta ecological reserve in Manatí have set themselves for the year 2021 is to continue a detailed study to know exactly the existing vegetation in their places, the dangers, and reproductive possibilities that they enjoy at the present time.

Manatí, Las Tunas.- The agronomist, Roberto Pérez Cabrera, in charge of monitoring the forests, assured that precisely the Endangered Flora and Rescue of Vegetable Formations projects have optimized their routines, thanks to the resources obtained through the macro project Ecovalor, which have favorably influenced the improvement of specialists and workers in the ecological reserve.

The expert pointed out that for the present calendar, the project maintains its objective of incorporating multiple environmental considerations and their economic implications in the management of landscapes, forests and production sectors in Cuba.

"Directly or indirectly, Ecovalor has repercussions in the development of other initiatives, since it provides both office resources and instruments for work in the forest," Roberto emphasized.

“The Flora Project is going to have an impact from the floristic inventory point of view, with a tendency to increase. At the moment, we are detailing the work, tree by a tree; we could even identify other species. It is a good opportunity to get to know the area better.

Roberto added that Ecovalor faces great challenges, including changing paradigms and incorporating the elements of the economy into the environment and the conservation and protection of ecological resources, which are currently being addressed as a priority task throughout the country.

This proposal advances in the municipality of Manatí to the extent that multiple environmental considerations are incorporated into daily routines. In this mission, training assumes a relevant role, due to the incorporation of experts from the academy, institutes and centers of environmental studies at the local level, as well as research groups from productive entities.