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Solar water heaters

Comfort, savings and another step towards the country's energy future, distinguish the installation and use of solar water heaters, RENSOL brand, in Las Tunas, where just over 300 of these devices have already been sold since the beginning of its commercialization last year.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- These devices made in Cuba have a capacity of 90 liters and, in the installed homes, they are used in various functions such as personal hygiene, cooking food, and washing dishes, among others.

To know the impact on the population and electricity savings, the National Office for the Control of the Rational Use of Energy (ONURE) surveyed 61 percent of the customers of this service, who valued the provision as good.

Anna Ávila González, in charge of this management, commented that of the total of 54 surveyed only one percent, mostly corresponding to rental houses, considered that the capacity of the tank is not enough, although they also considered the service positive.

The investigation also showed that in the surveyed homes, the peak night hours are those with the greatest use of hot water and around 80 percent of the users employ it in various activities. In this regard, the specialist specified that, in those 43 homes, the estimated equivalent electricity consumption would be 46 kWh per day if this alternative was not used, which represents 1,376 kWh per month and 16,512 per year.

Thus, thanks to the use of this renewable energy source, the monthly average savings per customer is 14 kWh, and this means that the country will not have to buy at least three fewer tons of fuel during the year.

Ávila González remarked that with solar heaters the current consumption loads during peak hours are considerably displaced and an increase is possible if, besides the toilet, it is used for other domestic tasks.

The sale of this equipment integrates the state strategy to change the energy matrix and reduce electricity or gas consumption in the residential sector, and it is of great benefit to the family and national economy.

To date and after the start of the Ordering Task, the solar heaters retain their price of 2,945. Regarding the availability of this equipment in the commercial network, Orlando Daniel López, main Sales specialist at COPEXTEL explained that at this time there is a deficit of accessories and components imported by the country for the manufacture of this device, which is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic that led to a restriction of world trade.

The expert reiterated the country's intention to continue the sale of solar heaters, a technology that benefits the whole of society.