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 Emphasis is being placed on food production

Increasing food production becomes a primary task in the municipality of Colombia, in Las Tunas.

“Colombia”, Las Tunas.- Despite the difficult conditions caused by the pandemic and the worsening of the economic blockade, agricultural development continues among the work priorities.

Roberto Carlos López Saborí, first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) Roberto Carlos López Saborí, first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) in the municipality, stressed that “productive activity is the main key to development, so it is a permanent issue on the authorities' agenda. Hence, the insistence that agriculture becomes the main source of food because as it manages to satisfy the needs of the population, it also promotes the development of the sector and a greater productive linkage.

The political leader announced that activities in the local development program are increasing, and emphasis is being placed on food production. "Investments in the fishing sector stand out with the expansion of ponds and water mirrors for the development of fingerlings, in addition to the construction of a mini-industry for fish processing."

Another action is linked to the increase in livestock modules, as one of the most viable alternatives to raise the production of meat from small livestock, poultry, and pigs.

"The municipality has already managed to get the units to be inserted in its creation; at this moment, there are 12 and we intend, at the end of the first semester, that 70 percent of the productive units have it and satisfy the needs of its workers, the family, and also the community where they are located.”

The municipality designed a strategy to support food production. "We must achieve 30 pounds per capita and, although it has been a difficult period for the territory, we are looking for alternatives to have a better spring season and to be able to increase the planting of various crops."

About the new measures that are being implemented in Cuba to stimulate this sector, “working mechanisms are being created to strengthen the productive bases, and for peasants gain autonomy and can carry out the commercialization of their products in points of sale and small squares. This will guarantee greater stability of agricultural products in each demarcation."

“Significant commitments have been confirmed by the producers, and they have put their word to it. So far, we have 1,837 hectares of various crops and, in a short term, we will add 125 more. The perspective is to grow by releasing areas infected with marabou and other weeds, which will allow us to increase plantings that will later become more food for the people,” López Saborí concluded.