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Valdés Mesa checked food production in Las Tunas

Farmers are called to break the routine, the schematism, and at the same time, to work with impetus, creativity, and efficient alternatives to achieve greater food production for the people. This is the first and most important task of the farmers and other producers in Las Tunas based on local potentialities.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- This was reaffirmed in a work exchange with producers, representatives of the agricultural sector, and the highest authorities of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) and the Government, led by Salvador Valdés Mesa, vice president of the Republic of Cuba, in which indicators of food production, territorial self-sufficiency, and the main projections for the next stage were evaluated.

In this sense, Salvador Valdés said that "in these difficult times it should be a priority to appeal to the potential of the soil, the use of different means to till the land, make good use of quality seeds and, and - without abandoning the new results of the science and technology - make the most of the wisdom of peasants who have been working in agriculture for years and have a productive culture with which good results are achieved.”

When evaluating the implementation in the territory of the 63 measures approved by the country to boost the agricultural sector, the leader explained that “an effort is being made, but it is not enough. There are still reserves to contribute more to production rates, but we have to know how to organize and plan them well to see the results. We are making progress, but slowly, and we have to reach every producer," he pointed out.

"It is not only about producing more food, we must find solutions to recover from deficiencies, be sustainable in the market offers, and achieve more quality, with better prices."

Valdés Mesa checked food production in Las TunasThe also member of the Political Bureau of the PCC Central Committee, called for us to adapt to climate change and, in response, to guarantee climate-smart agriculture, “in which there are strategic plans to know where and what to plant in each region. Besides, you cannot have empty areas, you have to take advantage of the intensive cultivation of short-cycle products, with the aim that two and even three harvests are carried out in the irrigated areas a year.”

The delegate of the Ministry of Agriculture in the territory, Yoel Martínez Vargas, presented a report with an update on the fulfillment of the fundamental production indicators and enunciated the main projections for the current spring season and the upcoming cold season.

The meeting demonstrated the willingness of farmers to contribute everything possible to increase food production. Despite acknowledging the difficulties that today tie up agrarian development, the alternatives, and mechanisms that are implemented in the fields to promote and guarantee livestock development through the production of animal feed were detailed there.

"Our first trench is production," said Aldo Rodríguez Prieto, the president of the Omar Pérez credit and services cooperative (CCS). “With these new measures the mood of the peasants has greatly improved, and we cannot stop defending these conquests. You can always count on us, both for the production of food and for the custody of the Homeland.”

This sentiment was joined by the peasant Ibrahim Peña Alfonso, from the CCS Pablo Miguel Napoles, in Manatí, who stressed that “before the Party's call, planting and producing more are words of order. We are ready to give everything, this is the “Moncada” of the new generation and we are also going to get out of this situation and we are going to get up.”

The meeting was also attended by José Ramón Monteagudo Ruiz, a member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC). He called for “planting more and achieving a broad movement to expedite the completion of the spring campaign without wasting time. The producers are in the first trench and the Revolution fully trusts them. This sector must be strengthened in search of better results and we must work not only to resist, but to increase production, and not abandon the main development plans,” he emphasized.