Hits: 2015

 Process for legalization of vehicles armed by parts and pieces will begin in Las Tunas next Monday

The process towards the eventual legalization of vehicles armed by parts and pieces will begin in Las Tunas next Monday, under the protection of Resolution No. 200 of 2021 of the Ministry of Transportation (MITRANS), published in the Official Gazette Extraordinary No. 63, last July 20.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The implementation of the aforementioned Resolution gave way to the first stage towards the legalization of those means of transportation (motorcycles, tricycles, cars, vans, trucks, buses, minibusses, trailers, and semi-trailers) that have been assembled. This moment will consist of a census of all those existing in each territory.

That survey will start here on August 9, by the municipality of Puerto Padre; on the 10th, it will be carried out in “Jesús Menéndez;” and on the 12th, in Manatí; on the 11th, 18th, and 25th, in Las Tunas; on the 19th, in “Colombia,” Jobabo, and “Amancio;” and, on Friday the 20th, in Majibacoa. This was announced to the press by Luis Cabrera, technical director of the Provincial Passenger and General Cargo Transport Company (CARDINAL).

Then, during a month, from September 5, the technical review of the registered vehicles with changes and conversions that were not approved at the time for technical reasons will be done. Later, from October 5, the homologation of the vehicles assembled by parts and pieces will be carried out; a process in which specialists and the province commission will participate, and which will take place at the plants for Automotive Technical Review.

Cabrera explained that the interested parties must present three photos, taken from the front, side, and rear of the vehicle in question. Besides, the owner will prove - through an affidavit - the legitimacy of the parts and pieces used in the modifications. It is an expedited procedure that can register it in the same place.

The CARDINAL executive emphasized that each person can only register one transport mean and whoever does not come with the documentation on the established date will lose the right to certification, which will be carried out only once in the country. To clarify doubts, he said, those interested can contact engineer Frank Soto Sánchez, a specialist in Transportation Operations, by phone 31522202.

At the time of presenting Resolution No. 200 of 2021, the specialists of the Ministry of Transportation (MITRANS) clarified that to issue the legal documents that authorize the circulation of these vehicles, the good condition of their respective braking systems, lights, and direction will be checked. According to the class of each one, the structural characteristics of the means of transport will also be taken into account.