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Tourism is struggling to recover from the long suspension

The Tourism sector in Las Tunas is looking towards options in the field of nature, the rural, and towards its link with local economic actors to find ways of development after the relative control of COVID-19 allowed it to resume its activities.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Now, Tourism is struggling to recover from the long suspension, without the effects of the world economic crisis derived from the pandemic has disappeared; and in the specific case of Cuba, the measures of the tightening of the U.S. blockade. The latter has a particularly harsh effect on the influx of foreign vacationers and the liaison between Cuban tourism entities and their counterparts abroad.

The local guild is urged to explore to the maximum the possibilities of domestic suppliers, especially for food and other services required by the state and non-state tourist infrastructure. In this sense, in 2021, 25 contracts and 111 letters of intent were signed between the different entities of the sector and state companies, cooperatives, or private producers.

Additionally, the Popular Camping Company took the first steps in the management of its own cultivation areas, which provided about seven tons, mainly of condiments. This will not guarantee food sovereignty, but it is an important contribution. In Las Tunas, the occupancy of the camping network exceeds 98 percent of all its capacities, a testimony of the leading place it maintains among the options for vacation and rests for large sectors of the national market.


The purposes in the short term, said Giarlis Melenilla, delegate of Tourism in the province, are to reduce the risks derived from the monetary and exchange order, strengthen state enterprises, promote innovation in liaison with the academy, and encourage online sales and ensure compliance with health protocols. "Raising the quality of services is a constant aspiration," he said. In Las Tunas, he assured, all the properties that are in operation have the Most Hygienic and Safe Tourism certification.

Melenilla also commented that the launching of the nature tourism destination in Monte Cabaniguán is another key goal; as well as the structuring of clear proposals for agro-tourism and rural tourism. Without giving up on medium and long-term development plans, such as the launching of the recreational area of El Cornito and the construction of a five-star hotel in the Covarrubias area.

Regarding the situation of the Brisas Covarrubias hotel, executives informed that the deficit of resources delayed the remodeling works scheduled there in 2021. However, there have been steps in the renovation of its rooms; that work is being carried out on five projects. They pointed out that work on the water treatment plant, the beach hut, the kitchen, and wireless Internet access in all areas of the hotel stand out. Other actions were completed at the Las Tunas hotel, while plans for the reconstruction of the Plaza hotel in the city of Puerto Padre are still on the table.


The arrows that remain here to move forward are indicated. In the formation of human capital, for example, Las Tunas shows as a strength the existence of a major in the specialty at the local University. It is crucial the contribution it can make in the design and implementation of new destinations and routes, both for the students of the discipline and for the younger managers.

Among the projections agreed upon are to strengthen the already existing ties with the main center of Higher Education in Las Tunas to first strengthen the preparation of future graduates and, at the same time, to promote the post-graduate training of tourism professionals in key areas such as languages, management, economics, and communication.