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Esteban Lazo talks with workers and irectors of the Majibacoa Sugar Company

Esteban Lazo Hernández, president of the National Assembly of the People's Power and the Council of State, said that low yields in sugar production must be reversed to strengthen the country's economy.

In a meeting with directors of the Majibacoa Sugar Company, the also member of the Political Bureau of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC), asked when is this industry going to produce the corresponding sugar amount, for which it was created by the Revolution; and made a reflection on the current low yields that do not exceed 32 tons of cane per hectare. He recalled that the province of Las Tunas obtained more sugar than the all country.

Emancipating by ourselves is not a slogan and to achieve this Majibacoa has to recover the cane fields, reach high yields in sugar, deepen links with the university, implement development and innovation plans with the involvement of its own professional strength, the 82 engineers of the collective.

Lazo also spoke with the workers about the new Family Code, the country's energy situation, the economy, and other topics of social interest.

The President of the National Assembly of the People's Power leads the parliamentary visit to the province of Las Tunas, integrated by eight permanent work commissions, which analyze the impact of the prioritized policies and programs implemented by the country.

The members of the commissions visit neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools in the eight municipalities and talk with the population, community work groups, workers, and students. They also evaluate compliance with the agreements of the National Assembly for the territory and the measures to strengthen the economy, the confrontation of the current energy situation, COVID-19, and dengue fever.

The parliamentary visit will last until Saturday, September 17, according to a note on the website of the government body.

Esteban Lazo heads parliamentary visit to Las Tunas