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Elena Diego received the 2023 National Innovation Prize representing 26 Newspaper 

The president of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC), Ricardo Ronquillo Bello, praised the brilliant work of the 26 Newspaper to get closer to the paradigm of public media in the country.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Ronquillo expressed satisfaction with having these professionals who have managed to gain the trust of their audiences. He assured that all the eyes of Cuban journalism are on this group to advance in the experiment they are developing along with 16 other media outlets.

Accompanied by the first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party in the province Walter Simón Noris, and Governor Jaime Ernesto Chiang Vega, the president of UPEC presented the Juan Antonio Borrego 2023 National Innovation Award - won by 26 in the last Press Festival - to its director, Elena Diego Parra, who congratulated her group for their achievements.

26 Newspaper was founded as a daily on July 26, 1978. Since then, it has been a pillar in the journalistic development of the province of Las Tunas, with national recognition for its results in these 46 years.