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Multi-sports Hall in Las Tunas.

The sports sector in Las Tunas faces many challenges in 2024 to increase results in national events, consolidate the teaching-educational process, and increase the spaces dedicated to the mass practice of different disciplines.

Members of the Provincial Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) debated on the subject and agreed on the potential of the eight municipalities - especially in rural areas - to diagnose and capture talents that could become high-performance athletes.

Precisely, one of the most analyzed aspects was the work of the Carlos Leyva González sports initiation school, which after 33 years of existence is undergoing a renovation of the teaching staff and reports difficulties with the lack of clothing and equipment.

The deterioration of most areas and the instability of the transport assigned to the institution affect the competitive system because students cannot play against their peers in neighboring provinces or receive them here.

Meanwhile, the School for Physical Education Teachers has an old infrastructure that requires repair and maintenance. However, the collective is working hard to ensure that future teachers acquire the required knowledge, because of its subsequent impact on pupils.

At the meeting, the need to rescue the sports facilities and preserve those currently functioning, many of which have been vandalized, was raised. Incidentally, it was stressed that the population together with Community Workgroups can contribute to their care.

Other criteria included the possibility for production units from different settlements to rescue the currently abandoned baseball fields and the social importance of inter-neighborhood events or competitions between schools.

The governor, Jaime Chiang Vega, said that in the past year, increases were made to the budget allocated to the sector and urged to explore alliances with the bodies of the territory, such as the Telecommunications Company, which rescued sports areas in the village of Gastón, Majibacoa.

Summing up the analysis, Manuel Pérez Gallego, member of the Party's Central Committee and first secretary in Las Tunas, urged to improve the facilities, raise the living conditions of students and athletes, and maintain the training of professionals to achieve better results.