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Juio Antonio Mea Stadium

The games of the 60th National Baseball Series at the Julio Antonio Mella Stadium will be held in the presence of the public despite the health situation in the country, although measures have just been announced that will drastically reduce the number of fans present at the house of the Leñadores (Lumberjacks) of Las Tunas.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Authorities from the Ministry of Public Health and the Provincial Sports Directorate agreed that only three thousand people should access the "Mella" per game, approximately 30 percent of the capacity of that facility.

The information was confirmed by Alexis Pérez Leyva, director of Sports in Las Tunas, who added that physical distancing must be respected in the stadium bleachers and in the seating areas, there will always be an empty seat in between.

The manager said that the way in which the fans will have access is still being studied, whether by the free sale of the three thousand tickets in the stadium itself or by an invitation system through work centers, organizations…

Las Tunas has been one of the provinces least affected by the new coronavirus pandemic, although right now it has active cases of COVID-19. In other territories, where the situation is more complicated, the measures could be much more drastic and it is not ruled out that stadiums such as the Latinoamericano, in Havana, remain closed to the public at least in the early stages of the new season.