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National Defense Day in Las Tunas.

The action of the troops, companies, and other entities of Las Tunas during the complete combat readiness in different stages of the unconventional war characterized the Saturday day when the uniformed people participated in the tasks corresponding to National Defense Day.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The main activities were developed in the community of San José, in the provincial capital, with the attendance of Walter Simón Noris, president of the Provincial Defense Council, and the vice president of that body, Yelenis Tornet Menéndez.

Both leaders and officials of the Ministries of the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Interior received extensive information on the political, economic, and social activities of the demarcation and the actions contemplated in the plans to face an armed invasion.

National Defense Day in Las Tunas.

They joined the local population to witness the performance of different activities, including the assembly and disassembly of rifles, shooting with infantry weapons, tactical exercises to defend objectives, the collection of wounded, and their medical care.

They also assessed the practical variants applied by the different subgroups in the event of an enemy attack to maintain the vitality of the main basic services and the production of food for the troops and the population.

Another of the activities took place at the Cupet Las Tunas base business unit, where a practical exercise to extinguish a fire was carried out, as well as actions to protect the population and the resources of the economy and minimize damage.

National Defense Day in Las Tunas.

A political and cultural act of revolutionary reaffirmation was held at the Ángel López Jiménez Stadium, as a conclusion to the National Day of Defense. The most outstanding organizations in the Year of Preparation for Defense 2024 were recognized; among them, the directorates of Communal Services, Public Health, Education, and the Electric, Water and Sewerage, and Construction and Assembly Companies.

When speaking, the president of the Municipal Defense Council, Roberto Carlos López Saborit, highlighted the unity of the people of Las Tunas around the PCC and the conception of war of all the people and recalled that Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz assured that as long as imperialism exists, the maximum attention must be paid to the defense of the Homeland.

Actions of the management and command bodies and the elements that make up the territorial defensive device during the fight against the invasion of the enemy were also developed in the other municipalities of Las Tunas, with the realization of different exercises.

National Defense Day in Las Tunas.

National Defense Day in Las Tunas.

National Defense Day in Las Tunas.

National Defense Day in Las Tunas.