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Venezuelan ambassador, Tatiana Pugh.

The ties between Venezuela and Vietnam are closing this year with a positive balance, not only in terms of political relations but also in concrete projects, said the Venezuelan ambassador, Tatiana Pugh.

Hanoi.- “Between the United Socialist Party of Venezuela and the Communist Party of Vietnam there are excellent political relationships, characterized by affection and comradeship,” the diplomat said in statements to Prensa Latina.

“At the governmental level, we have signed more than 60 agreements in different areas, especially on oil, agriculture, and energy sectors, and we are also making progress in a fundamental element: commercial exchange,” she stressed.

During the last year, bilateral trade increased by 700 percent compared to 2021 and continues to grow. This indicates that there is still a way to explore, she said and emphasized that in the economic field “we are building a deep complementary relationship and of solidarity. complementarity.”

The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Capaya Rodríguez, the President of the Simón Bolívar Institute of Solidarity, and a representative of the Venezuela-Vietnam Business Chamber visited Hanoi this year.

On the other hand, the president of the Union of Vietnamese Women, Ha Thi Than Nga, and the head of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nguyen Hon Son, traveled to Caracas on a visit.

All this exchange took place in a year of many challenges, but also of victories for Venezuela, which once again demonstrated the courage of its people by managing to overcome the more than 900 sanctions imposed mainly by the United States Government, Pugh said. (PL)