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2023 elections in the Moscow region.

More than 500,000 people participated in the online voting system during the first day of Moscow's mayoral elections, Russia's Central Election Commission announced on Friday.

Moscow.- “An estimated 500,003 votes were cast, and 482,594 votes were received,” the website that tracks remote voting recorded.

Elections in Russia will be held over three days. The leading day will be September 10, when the State Duma (Lower House of Parliament) will elect top officials in 21 constituent entities of the national territory and additional elections of legislators for four vacant seats in single-mandate constituencies.

Elections will take place in Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson.

According to Tatyana Dmitrieva, First Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, public observers have ruled out violations during elections on that territory.

Earlier, Dmitrieva reported that 12,144 people were trained to become public observers during the 2023 elections in the Moscow region. (PL)