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Inhabitants of the Palestinian town of Jabal MukaberThe inhabitants of the Palestinian town of Jabal Mukaber, southeast of Jerusalem, carried out a 24-hour general strike to reject the Israeli authorities' decision to demolish more than 70 houses there.

Tel Aviv.- Quoted by the national press, Iyad Bashir, governmental Fatah movement leader in this region, denounced that more than 500 Palestinian people are threatened in Jabar Mukaber by this policy.

Tel Aviv's objective is to Judaize the area and expand the colonies in the occupied Jerusalem, he assured.

After the prayer at the Riyad Al-Salihin mosque, hundreds of Palestinians marched towards one of the houses under demolition threat to demonstrate their opposition to the Jewish State's plans.

Last January, the Israeli municipality demolished five structures in the area and forced three Palestinian families to demolish their houses. (PL)