In Tribuna de La Habana or Periódico 26?, I asked her in a jocular tone, and she answered quickly, without hesitation: “On the 26”, because Dr. Deisy Mesa Peña is joined to Las Tunas by feelings that she does not hide; despite the fact that Havana opened up a wider world of professional opportunities and new friendships.
Caracas.- He lived until her graduation in the town of Las Parras, Majibacoa municipality, where his mother, father, and brother still reside since the rest of the family is from Holguín; "but I will never forget Las Tunas, because it has been everything for me. There I became a doctor; I have very good childhood friends. The roots are not denied and I visit frequently, whenever the work allows it.”
After finishing her university studies (2009), at the then Zoilo Marinello University of Medical Sciences, she began her working life at the Gustavo Aldereguía polyclinic, but her vocation for services took her to other latitudes.
With 35 years of age and 11 as a graduate, she is already on her third internationalist mission, one in Bolivia and two in Venezuela, as an expression that the young generations of Cubans continue the principles of solidarity cultivated by the founding fathers and the Revolution.
- What have these experiences meant?
"They have allowed me to grow as a professional, to admire and love the work of our Revolution even more; they have made me a better human being, much more sensitive to the needs of other people."
- And Venezuela?
"In Venezuela, I have also grown as a cadre, as I have carried out various functions, from the base as head of the Comprehensive Diagnosis Center, in the two missions and currently as National Advisor for Barrio Adentro I, a program that carries out Primary Health Care as an exponent of the Community Care Network and that brings these benefits closer to the most unsuspected places and the most vulnerable people.
- Head of the second contingent brigade Ernesto Che Guevara...
“This newly assigned task fills me with joy. Leading a brigade in which practically all are men is a challenge and pride. Heading this group to fight the pandemic, and travel to Guasdualito, in the Apure State, which is a place of difficult access right on the border with Colombia, does justice to my dreams.”
- How were those days in Guasdualito?
“For a month, all the days were of intense work, we formed groups and more than six thousand house-to-house inquiries and more than 2,500 rapid tests were carried out for the timely detection of Sars-CoV-2; around two thousand Venezuelans from Colombia were attended at the José Antonio Páez International Bridge, the Comprehensive Social Care Posts, where migrants are quarantined.”
- And now?
“Prepared and ready to fulfill the task entrusted to us. This is the decision of the 20 members of the brigade, who left a deep mark of immense love among those people who return to their Homeland seeking the care denied in the countries where they resided.”
Deisy maintains her attachment to the roots, she loves the family, Las Tunas, the Great Fatherland and continues to be attached to the humanistic and solidarity principles that led her to distribute love and watch over the lives of vulnerable people in need of this care. With her attitude she honors her people.