Young faces from Las Tunas have remained in the front line in the fight against the COVID-19, and not only within the country. Many children from these lands were already in other parts of the world when the pandemic began to make the news.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- From their workspaces, they have assumed new protocols and they have been in each of the most contingent scenarios. That is the case of Yannelis Morales and Alejandro Baldonado, two young graduates of the University of Medical Sciences, who found such a complex panorama fulfilling their internationalist mission in Venezuela.
After the first uncertainty and the major scare for their relatives, all anchored in this Island, their determination to accomplish their tasks was evident. "Because we are in this country to honor our commitment to the Bolivarian Revolution and its people’s health. So we didn't hesitate to join the work against SARS-CoV-2."
We talk thanks to social media platforms. And they tell me about the warm clothing they now need, the enormous nostalgia after 33 months at those places in Barinas, the same land where Hugo Chávez was born, the man whose work of life led them there.
She is a bachelor's degree in Physiatrist and he is in Intensive Care. They assure that they always had the certainty that their families are in the best place in the world to get through this situation. Both, despite not reaching the age of 30, have experienced hospital mornings, scared students and have seen their teachers arrive at the classroom exhausted after some complex case. Take good care of yourself, they say, but without fear; that there is no pandemic that can with us."
They love to share with friends, fashionable songs, take selfies everywhere and have a good cold beer together. They have learned to bake chocolate cakes and eat arepas by ruminating nostalgia for their own and being faithful, without fanfare, to the capital work of Cuban Public Health, to which they know they represent.