The Ministry of Communications announced several measures that adapt several of the procedures that are provided in its institutions, in order to avoid the unnecessary influx of people and with it, the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
Las Tunas, Cuba - The announced steps impact the processes of issuing licenses, permits and authorizations; as well as modifications, renewals or cancellations established by the legislation in force.
From now on, applications will be made through the computer program available on its website or through the mail
In addition, a specialist will remain at the Territorial Directorate of the Technical Budget Unit for Radio Spectrum Control (UPTCER in Spanish) during working hours to attend to and process online procedures and issue licenses, permits, authorizations, taking the established health and safety measures.
Finally, the Mincon announced the following:
Operating licenses, permits or authorizations for different services with an expiration date between March 23 and 30 of this year will be extended for a period of six months.
Applications by legal entities for technical authorizations for the import of equipment regulated by Resolution 132/19 will continue to be processed through email.
They will continue to process applications by natural persons for technical authorizations for the import of equipment regulated by Resolution 272/15 and 98/19, only those made through the online application on the website of the Ministry of Communications.
They will continue with the process of homologation for requests made by national legal entities in the interest of the import process (the process of payment for the Homologation Certificate shall be in accordance with the regulations issued by the Central Bank of Cuba).
They will continue with the procedures related to applications for operating licenses for private data networks and high-speed wireless data networks by legal and natural persons, only through the online application on the website of the Ministry of Communications or by e-mail (the process of payment for operating licenses will be in accordance with the regulations issued by the Central Bank of Cuba).
It will postpone until April 30 the applications related to the amateur radio service.
It will postpone until April 30 new applications for approval from foreign legal entities; and applications for operating licenses for radio communication stations in all services, except those that, due to their urgency, are authorized by the General Directorate of Communications.