The inhabitants of all the municipalities of Las Tunas have begun to widely use mask in the streets and also respect the prudent distance in the queues.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- The presence of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR by its Spanish acronym) in public spaces and the first impacts of the concrete measures that, in terms of order and discipline, have been taken in the territory have a lot to do with all this.
In a recent appearance at the TunasVisión TV channel, Major Yordanis Sánchez, second in command of the PNR, called for reflection and shared the main indiscipline that is still being discovered throughout the province.
We are seeing crowds in different areas and not necessarily to acquire basic necessities. Other people are still wandering around, mostly as observers.
We have references about festive activities, mostly in the particular sector and there are cases of those who have approached us because they know that there are regulations and they want some permission. The resellers are kept, the people identify them, reject them, they know them.
We found cases of pregnant women, others with small children who continue in public spaces. And against all that, we are taking measures now. That's why we need the population to collaborate.
He also explained the new jobs that have been created in different parts of this city to deal with this whole situation. Sites that have the necessary structure, he said, to take action and enforce the law.
In Las Tunas, ways are being studied to bring payment, through messengers and social workers, to those who receive social assistance. Food products that were previously concentrated in weekend fairs are being sold in different places and fines of up to two thousand pesos have already been imposed on those who hoard and violate the law, and others have been warned by the authorities.
It is insisted that the measures will be vigorous during all these days. And an appeal is made to those who do not yet assume the delicate nature of the moment for the health of all. The message is clear: if you are one of those who can do it, stay at home.