Fidel was born with a star.

How will he die, if his dwelling has always been in the future, in the immaterial space of the eternal?

Perhaps his vital place was always in the future. That is why he knew how to draw the road, clear the path, and build a future. Even when I thought he had made a mistake in some solution, according to a perception anchored at the height of my nose, time, that wise judge, ended up proving him right.

Men like him are born once in a thousand years. Loved by many, respected even by his enemies, he wore the vest of his morals, the vocation to work for the poor of this world. He had a special magnetism. One had to see him on television, shooing cyclones away from his island, speaking of the human and the divine, always ahead of his time and the finite understanding of mere mortals.

When biotechnology was a novelty in the countries of the first world, he was already betting on developing it in this strip of land, which with a singular silhouette, hangs in the Caribbean. Years before, he had already saved his people from the worst pandemic of this generation.

He was like the father who dreamed big for his children. He knew that education and science were the path to a better society. He was within reach of an embrace. Every Cuban felt him so close, warm, human.

Sometimes I miss him. I miss the broad smile of one who always knew how to win, his wisdom, the ability to know everything, like a man of the Renaissance.

He was never afraid. To have the certainty at Cinco Palmas that they would win the war, after the setbacks and uncertainty, was one of the greatest acts of resilience and courage in our history.

He went on to become one of the most important leaders of his time; however, he had no room for pride. He remained of the people and for the people.

His life was so profound that no one can fail to be moved by his imprint. Fidel was born with a star. Perhaps he was already predestined for an everlasting space. How can he die, if his dwelling has always been in the future, in the immaterial space of the eternal? (Granma)