Sweeping Cuba victory at UN.

The United States struck a discordant note at the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday when the international community once again voted against the blockade that Washington has imposed on Cuba for more than six decades.

United Nations. The representative of the Joe Biden administration at the UN showed a deafness that almost seemed congenital. It is impossible to ignore the overwhelming vote of 187 countries in favor of the resolution on the necessity of ending the United States' economic, commercial, and financial blockade against Cuba.

To justify the unjustifiable, the diplomat repeated the worn-out argument of human rights violations to maintain the unilateral siege that Washington enforces, in any case, the main disrespect for those rights.

As always, the United States was isolated, along with its inseparable ally, Israel (and one abstention from Moldova) in this exercise that is now being repeated for the thirty-second time.

Elena Freyre, president of the PazAmor organization, told Prensa Latina over the telephone from Tampa, Florida, “I was not surprised by this vote, I expected it. This reaffirmed my conviction that the rest of the world is with Cuba and that the United States remains alone in its purpose of condemnation.”

Furthermore, “Since I have lived in this country, from what I have seen, I do not know how they dare target another country on the issue of human rights,” Freyre, a Cuban emigrant, added.

US solidarity wit Cuba organizations claim the blockade end.Cheryl LaBash, co-president of the National Network of Solidarity with Cuba, said from Detroit, Michigan, that “the speech by Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez was excellent, but that of the United States was despicable.

“Cuba refuted the lies of the American spokesman one by one,” said the activist, who added that “there was a quote from leader Fidel Castro that resonated with me and pointed out the role that the people of the United States will play in the final victory over the blockade.”

LaBash recalled, “the 117 resolutions of elected officials and unions representing millions of people in this country that show that we are working to fulfill Fidel’s words.”

During Wednesday's session at the UN General Assembly, many speakers exalted Cuba’s prestige, which goes beyond its geographical smallness to show us the moral giant.

“The Cuban people remain upright on their dignity,” “I bring a clear, unequivocal, forceful message,” “the Cuban people resist,” and “it is a situation in which we cannot stand idly by,” are random phrases taken by the reporter from the speeches of representatives of Latin America and Africa.

The United States claims to be “on the side of the Cuban people,” but as an old melody goes, “you have a somewhat strange way of loving.”

Dominican leftist movement says the US is defeated

Dominican Republic's United Left Movement (MIU)Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic's United Left Movement (MIU) said the United States is defeated in its hegemonic and interventionist policy, referring to its failure at the UN, where the world voted against the blockade of Cuba.

“Cuba triumphs once again at the UN,” the organization wrote on social media and noted that the United Nations General Assembly once again approved by an overwhelming majority (187 votes in favor) the lifting of the United States blockade against Cuba.

Only the United States itself and its ally Israel voted against it, while Moldova abstained, the leftist force pointed out and considered that, with its vote, the world also demanded that Cuba be removed from the list of state sponsors of terrorism created unilaterally by the White House.

The MIU pointed out that the resolution entitled “Necessity of ending the blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba” reaffirms “the sovereign equality of States, non-intervention, and non-interference in internal affairs, as well as the freedom of international trade and navigation.”

The United States is defeated, reiterated the MIU, and noted that “we join the voices in the world demanding the end of the blockade of more than six decades against Cuba. Let it be fulfilled now!”, it emphasized.

Before the vote of the resolution against the blockade, representatives of governments from dozens of countries and regional organizations spoke out against the US policy, demanding its elimination, as well as the removal of Cuba from the list of States that allegedly sponsor terrorism.

Debate on Cuban Resolution vs. blockade.

Cuba deserves and earned the right to choose its path, Nicolás Maduro

Caracas.- Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said that Cuba deserves and earned the right to choose its path to develop in peace and with total freedom.

“Today, for the thirty-second time, 187 countries raised our voices at the United Nations General Assembly to demand the lifting of the gringo sanctions,” the president stated on his Instagram account, on Wednesday.

In a message to Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and the historic leader of the Revolution, Army General Raúl Castro, the head of the Bolivarian State expressed his solidarity and willingness to continue to open paths and create formulas that “will allow us to advance in the search for concrete solutions, and lead us to the integral well-being of our nations.”

"A new world is possible and free people will build it," Maduro stressed.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil, in turn, wrote on the same platform that as every year, the world expressed “its firm rejection of the historic injustice that implies the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba,” which has lasted for more than six decades.

Sweeping Cuba victory at UN.

Gil noted that Washington finds itself increasingly isolated in a world that abhors these colonial practices.

ALBA-TCP Executive Secretary Jorge Arreaza pointed out that the only two votes against the resolution of the UN General Assembly to lift the economic and commercial blockade against Cuba were those of the United States and Israel.

“The same two countries responsible for the genocide against the Palestinian people,” he stressed.

Arreaza added that this is another proof that “these two countries are at war against humanity.” The diplomat stressed that "Humanity will prevail!"

Nicaragua greets Cuba’s victory at the UN against the US blockade

Managua.- Solidarity groups, Cuban residents, diplomats and the Cuban Embassy staff here celebrated today the island’s new victory at the UN against the US blockade.

All guests and workers at the Cuban diplomatic venue in Managua jubilantly cheered when the overwhelming majority of the world’s nations condemned the economic, commercial, and financial siege imposed by the United States on Cuba for more than six decades.

“Once again, the world rejected the United States' genocidal attempt to maintain its inhuman blockade, in addition, to listing Cuba among the sponsors of terrorism,” the Honduran ambassador to Nicaragua, Jorge Yanes, told Prensa Latina.

He said the US will continue with its hostile policy and stressed that Washington lacks an argument to unilaterally maintain its sanctions.

“The only thing Cuba exports is love, solidarity, and we have seen this in all countries where there has been a pandemic and catastrophes caused by natural phenomena, with Cuba always present dispatching its medical brigades,” he noted.

China’s envoy here, Chen Xi, congratulated Cuba and expressed his government’s support in the defense of dignity and sovereignty.

“We express our strongest rejection of the United States’ blockade policy against Cuba,” Xi told PL while urging the international community to show solidarity with the island in defending its dignified right to development.

The Venezuelan ambassador to Nicaragua, Javier Arrué, stated that the United States siege aims to suffocate the Cuban people, but they have not been able and will not be able to overcome the dignity and unity of the peoples of the world.

“Cuba should know that it can count on Venezuela until victory forever, and we will continue to help each other as brothers,” he emphasized.

Arturo Aguirre, a member of the Love for Cuba solidarity group, highlighted the new victory at the UN and urged international solidarity movements to remain more united with Cuba.

“We are living crucial moments and for us, this result at the UN is a very important step not only for Cuba but also for Latin America and the world,” he stressed.

The thirty-second resolution that demands the end of the United States blockade against Cuba also calls on states to refrain from enacting and applying laws and coercive measures, following their obligations under the United Nations Charter and international law that, among other things, reaffirm the freedom of trade and navigation. (PL)