Cuba is present today in regional forums on Higher Education held in this capital sponsored by UNESCO and the Uruguayan government.
Montevideo.- The First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Higher Education (MES), Modesto Gómez, heads the delegation of Cuba to the Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, which began today at the headquarters of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI).
The meeting's main objective is to address the challenges and opportunities of Higher Education, with the participation of the Deputy Director-General of UNESCO, Stefania Giannini.
Ambassador Jorge Martí, Chargé d’Affaires in Uruguay, Miriam Alpízar, head of the Secretariat of the Ministry of Higher Education, and Denisse Pereira, legal director of the Ministry of Higher Education, are part of the Cuban representation at the forum.
At the same time, Pereira will represent Cuba in the meeting of the Regional Committee of the Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Degrees, and Diplomas in Higher Education.
Cuba has an active participation in this matter and is one of the few countries in the region to ratify this international instrument.
In addition, last February it hosted the second meeting of the Committee, held within the framework of the University 2024 Congress. (PL)