Cuba was approved as associate country in October 2024.

Cuba is officially an associate member of the BRICS despite the United States' efforts to isolate the country, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez stated today on the social network X.

Havana, Cuba.- He added that despite the imperial effort, our small nation was admitted this year as an associate member of the BRICS grouping (the initials of Brazil, Russia, China, and South Africa), which more than 30 countries have joined).

The Antillean foreign minister stressed that this bloc is "a new instance of coordination and cooperation that brings together a significant economic, productive, technological, population, territorial and natural wealth potential."

He also pointed out that the island is developing good relations and shares similar goals with all the member countries. "It is a body that opens up new trade, investment, and cooperation opportunities for us, which we must know how to take advantage of."

Cuba was approved under this status in October 2024 during the group's summit in the Russian city of Kazan, along with 12 other nations, which was made official on Wednesday, January 1st, 2025.

In addition to the Cuban archipelago, the Brics are associated with Algeria, Belarus, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam.

Experts stress that Cuba’s incorporation into the bloc will allow it to join its various cooperation formats and take advantage of its options for overcoming the economic crisis, essentially caused by Washington’s hostile policy for more than six decades.

Likewise, Cuba’s contribution will be able to focus on its biotechnological development, the production of medicines, and its national capacity to promote scientific and technological cooperation. (PL)