Yuri Rojas, Clown Pedacito Dianna Rosa Lorenzo Medina currently resides in Havana, but she lived in Las Tunas and the marks of this land accompany her in her creative adventures, a sort of provincial magic that is not forgotten no matter how much time passes.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- This graduate in Sociocultural Studies and Spanish (for non-Spanish speakers), gave life to an audiovisual that brings together 82 artists, intellectuals and professionals from other spheres from various countries, including prominent figures from this eastern province.

Todo volverá a su lugar (Everything will return to its place) is the title of the proposal, based on a poem of the same name that she wrote about these months. In dialogue with 26Digital, the worker at the headquarters of the Italian gallery Arte Continua expressed: "My purpose was to reflect the long-awaited return to normality, to bring a message of love and hope to the world in times when sensitivity is so necessary.”

This is her first audiovisual and it was released on the national television program Al Mediodía and also on the provincial channel Tunas Visión. The editing and photography were in charge of Said Vargas, and the music is by Rafael Pons, who composed it exclusively for this material.

Professionals from Cuba, Mexico, Germany, Argentina, Italy, United Kingdom, France, United States and Spain participated in the initiative, among them the composer and vocalist Miguel Ángel Cancio Soria, creator of the Los Zafiros quartet and its first musical director, and Mark Kibble, vocalist, producer and composer of the American vocal Take 6, a group representing contemporary gospel music, which has won the Grammy and other major awards.

In addition, the video is dedicated to Lupercio López Ávila, a prominent film producer, who was the founder of the Latin American Newscast and producer of iconic works from the world of celluloid such as Caravana.

Among the Las Tunas people that appear in the audiovisual are the TV director Dalgis Román; the journalists Gianny López Brito and Darletis Leyva; the actors Ernesto Parra, Elizabeth Borrero, Juan Manuel Maestre and Yuri Rojas; singer-songwriters Richard Gómez, Freddy Laffita, Iraida Williams, Andrés Alejandro Sedeño and Daniel Velázquez; singers Sandra Orce and Berlis Fernández; the writers María Liliana Celorrio and Argel Fernández; the cultural promoter Jorge Smith; Marina Lourdes Jacobo, president of the Provincial Committee of Uneac; the announcer Jorge Carbonell, and others.

There are faces known to all Cubans such as the humorist Ángel Ramiz, actress Blanca Rosa Blanco, the repentistas Sindy Manuel and Alexis Díaz Pimienta (the latter also a writer), actor Bárbaro Marín, the chess player Lázaro Bruzón and Israel Rojas, member of the Buena Fe duo.

The author conceived her project in black and white images, capturing the atmosphere of the moment, which enriches the already beautiful product due to its thematic essence and for bringing together several generations of talents who become public figures. The excerpts from “home recordings” give it that necessary tone of familiarity that brings us closer to the interlocutors and their parliaments.

Dianna managed to bring together in her work baseball players, artists, and other professionals, who invite us to internalize that phrase from Marti that she quotes: “See above us, like a dove made of stars, the light of hope.”

Today her message expands and reaches people around the world who surely appreciate it. With hearts like hers, everything will return to its place.