A new edition of the Supreme Party of the Cuban Peasantry is taking place in Las Tunas until July 2nd, the climax of a process that included 176 grassroots and eight municipal events, in tribute to the 195th anniversary of Juan Cristóbal Nápoles Fajardo (El Cucalambé).
Las Tunas, Cuba.- According to Darlenis Urquiola, deputy to Parliament and provincial director of Culture, minister Alpidio Alonso's presence in various activities is expected. We will be accompanied by improvisers of the caliber of Emiliano Sardiñas and Luis Paz (Papillo), as well as other prestigious artists such as José Antonio Iznaga (El Jilguerito de Cienfuegos), María Victoria Rodríguez, and Marisol Guillama. She also highlighted the insertion in different spaces of young talents who today stand out in the defense of traditions.
As usual, the grounds of El Cornito farm host most of the spaces, although some institutions like the Casa Iberoamericana de la Décima, the Fayad Jamís gallery, the branch of the Nicolás Guillén Foundation, and the headquarters of the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS) and the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), will also have proposals such as exhibitions and other invitations on the agenda.
Initiatives will even reach some communities and Cucalambé Street will echo the celebrations for the birthday of the greatest bucolic poet of the 19th century in Cuba.
The theoretical event “Diversity, essence, and identity," organized by the Provincial Center of Cultural Houses (CPCC), will share a dozen presentations on topics related to the women's role within the Petit Dancé tradition-bearing group, the history of the traditional organ in the municipality of Majibacoa, the intangible heritage in the teaching of the History of Cuba, among others.
The Catauro de la Décima will arrive at Las Ruinas de El Cornito with attractions such as the presentation of the Cucalambé prizes (written décima) and Canto alrededor del punto (glosa), in which 18 and 22 competitors participate, respectively. On July 1st, the Catauro will liven up the provincial headquarters of the UNEAC with book presentations, readings of texts, and surprises.
According to Ramón Batista, director of the Casa de la Décima, the Guateque Mayor is dressed up in the presence of poets who have won the Cucalambé Prize such as Pedro Péglez, Herbert Toranzo, José Luis Serrano, Ronel González, and Odalys Leyva. He also pointed out the birth, thanks to the link with Artistic Education, of the Son del Cucalambé space, starring instrumentalists.
Leticia Fernández, a specialist at the institution, commented that the Justo Vega national improvisation contest is now taking place with 10 repentistas from different provinces, who stand out for their youth, including some attending for the first time.
Spaces like the Bohío Campesino, the Handicraft Fair, the Cantos de Colibrí children's tertulia, and the traditional games areas are still part of the program. The celebration also includes a meeting of country dances, exhibitions and competitions of creole dishes, decorations, audiovisual projections, the election of the Flor de Birama, singing, conferences, and galas.
However, due to the country's economic situation, Darlenis Urquiola clarifies, the international presence will not be as significant as in other years, small foreign delegations will join in person and others will do so virtually. Thus, with the latent Cuban sentiment from the inaugural parade that opened the celebration, it seems that the verses of Argel Fernández can be heard when he said: Traditions walk/ along original routes/ and with cultural suns/ hearts are illuminated/.