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- Written by Yelaine Martínez Herrera
- Hits: 36607
The Onilé folkloric company has developed a commendable work during the summer in increasing people's interest and knowledge about Afro-Cuban music and dance, through classes and workshops held at its headquarters, the San Pedro Lucumí town hall, in the historic center of Las Tunas city.
As reported its current director, Wilberto Alicio Kindelán, they have had a good reception by the population, because "apart from folklore, we have taught popular dances, casino and others."
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- Written by Julio Martínez Molina
- Hits: 9879
Cienfuegos, Cuba.— On the occasion of Benny Moré's centenary, the Mecenas publishing house in Cienfuegos, has prepared a volume entitled, Te quedarás: Selección de narrativa sobre Benny Moré, (You will stay, A collection of narratives), which serves as a tribute to the legendary musician and a gift for fans and readers, in the city he loved and around the world, interested in learning about his essence via a diverse group of literary approaches .
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