
Despite the deficit of medicines and supplies caused by the intensification of the US blockade against Cuba, Secondary Care in this province culminated in 2019 with favorable indicators.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Gregory Pérez Héctor, provincial director of Health, said that the annual surgical plan is over-fulfilled with more than 45 thousand interventions. “The major surgeries exceeded the forecasts and the outpatient surgeries were determining in the results.

"It means that our operated patients were able to move to their homes in just 24 hours and enjoy the family reception in recovery, which means lower expenses for the country."

In 2020, the cadre structures will be strengthened both at primary and secondary level, in order to achieve greater adherence of specialists to established medical protocols and organization and operation manuals in each hospital unit. The fundamental objective is to strengthen the quality of assistance.

“The community projection expands to all municipalities with more than 22 specialties. This means that the patients do not have to travel from the municipalities to the head to receive specialized care of Neurosurgery, Cardiology, Angelology, among others.”

The accreditation processes and the training of specialists guarantee the benefits. “We have about 418 graduates; of them, more than 200 in Comprehensive General Medicine and Stomatology. The service of most medical specialties is offered here,” said Pérez.

Each new challenge has the noble purpose of perfecting the indicators that this sector measures at the national level, which translates into more saved lives.