The equipment is excellent in the stomatological service as it offers a fast and effective diagnosis

In line with the most modern studies that seek to optimize medical services and guarantee a better quality of life, to the pleasure of the people of Las Tunas, digital studies are being carried out using panoramic dental equipment that also benefits patients from the provinces of Granma, Holguín, and Camagüey.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- This incursion with state-of-the-art technology makes it possible to carry out around three thousand tests per year at the Héroes de Bolivia Clinic, where there are also qualified personnel to take oral health to the highest levels of efficiency.

Doctor and Master, Angela Yaycel Lao Bernal, explained to the press that this modern technology installed in the territory facilitates the most complete clinical examinations and avoids the excess of radiation, a vital issue for patients and doctors.

She also emphasized that the equipment is excellent in the stomatological service as it offers a fast and effective diagnosis that allows one to appreciate pathologies such as carcinomas, cysts, and granulomas in the oral cavity, which helps to more suitable treatment, according to the characteristics of each person.

The stomatologist argued that it also offers many benefits, such as better visualization of the position of the teeth in the dental arch and, unlike the conventional X-ray, it determines the extent of the affected area.

"The equipment enables the use of four techniques: normal panoramic, perinasal sinus, TMJ (temporomandibular joint), and teleradiography, which orthodontists and maxillofacial specialists widely use for measurements before treatment procedures," the specialist explained.

As part of the strategies to guarantee universal medical care in the province, these digital studies using dental panoramic equipment favor image processing algorithms and redefine the limits of innovation, capturing images with greater precision.

This innovation also motivates dental students in training and provides them with the tools to reach an accurate diagnosis. It also shows them the need to master radiology as a diagnostic tool to achieve better oral health indicators.