The municipality of "Amancio" is no exception, like the rest of the country; it has a high rate of older adults. Today this town has seven thousand people aged 60 years and over, which represents almost 20 percent of the total population.
"Amancio," Las Tunas.- The graduate in Social Rehabilitation, Niurka Tamayo Bauzá, at the head of the Elderly Program, said that in local communities there are 114 circles of grandparents with 3,112 members, attended by Physical Education teachers that manage to improve their quality of life through exercise.
Tamayo Bauzá pointed out that this southern region also has two nursing homes and a house for grandparents, institutions that guarantee medical and food services, among others.
Last year, more than seven thousand health examinations were carried out, an indicator that speaks of the quality of care. The staffs of these units have Comprehensive General specialists, graduates in Nursing, as well as consultation with specialists depending on the pathologies.
"Amancio" has 10 centenarians, who are given special attention by the Family Doctor and Nurse's Offices, with quarterly consultations, in addition to ensuring their most pressing needs and dealing with them at the different instances.
In Social Assistance, 415 nuclei of older adults are cared for, who receive monetary benefits to meet their basic needs; likewise, those who do not have family members to care for them are assigned a home social worker. It should be noted that the State dispenses monthly for these activities more than 420 thousand pesos.