Not infrequently the sound of ambulance sirens breaks the silence in the neighborhoods; other times, it is the usual buses, turned into sanitary transports that catch the curious eyes.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- In any case and beyond the concern, these means offer security to the people of Las Tunas, especially in the face of the epidemiological emergency caused by COVID-19, which has been hitting the planet for more than a year and a half.
The challenges have not been few for the Integrated Medical Emergency System in the province, which has had to reinvent itself to overcome the obstacles. Since the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020, measures were adopted to prioritize the transfer of these patients.
"At that time, ambulances and their crews were linked to isolation centers to try not to mix them with those assisting people with other diseases," refers Dr. Omar Villafruela Pupo, head of the Hospital Section of the Provincial Health Directorate.
"In the community transmission phase, the province has faced a significant volume of cases with a more virulent strain and more complications. Based on the clinical classification of patients (low, medium, and high risk) it is decided which transport should be used."
Currently, says Villafruela Pupo, every ambulance and its crew are equipped with the means of protection to deal with any eventuality, even if it appears to be COVID-19. "We want to transmit to the population that our system works according to demand and priorities, and there are some people who, due to their condition, are assisted with greater urgency than others," he added.
"To respond to the increase of confirmed patients and shorten waiting times in different places, the provincial coordinating table was created, which operates 24 hours a day at the Lenin campus of the University of Las Tunas. The team, led by physicians, organizes the transportation of all medium and high-risk cases that need to be admitted. The municipalities also have this structure and a post for low-risk patients. There is constant communication," he says.
The executive praised the support of the Provincial Transport Company in the fight against the new coronavirus, which has not only put its means at the service of health but has also provided parts for the repair of medical vehicles.
Likewise, the innovators have adapted several buses, some of which now have beds and other basic conditions for the transfer of the sick. Private transport companies have also joined this battle for life, an admirable gesture that is recognized by the people.
Several alternatives have been applied in this province to meet the demands of health transportation. However, it will never be enough when it comes to saving lives, so the commitment is to continue raising the quality of services.