After a marked context of limitations in the collection of milk that led to a reduction in distribution to children, through the regulated family basket, the Dairy Products Company has announced an increase in this vital product of more than seven thousand liters per day, compared to the previous months of 2024.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- Arael Martínez Teruel, its director, explained in a radio conference that thanks to the joint effort of the entities involved in the activity -Agriculture, ANAP, and his own- with the constant checking of the territory's highest authorities, a significant volume of milk was rescued. Thus, from an initial amount of 13 thousand liters, just over 20 thousand are currently collected, which allows deliveries to the affected destinations to increase.
He also commented that the country made a giant effort and acquired powdered milk at high prices for distribution to children from 0 to 6 years old.
He also reported the arrival at the Cuban port of a ship with four thousand tons of soybeans, destined for yogurt ellaboration. “This raw material will soon reach the production units and we will resume supplying it to children from 7 to 13 years old, school snacks, and we will even produce it for free sale to the population.
"The production of natural yogurt destined for hospitals and medical diets has already been rescued, especially for lactose intolerant children," he pointed out.
The manager argued that from now on, with the arrival of the rainy season, the milk supply will grow; therefore, the industry would resume other usual production lines that the people of Las Tunas are so grateful for.
Martínez Teruel said that among the projections is to continue strengthening links with agricultural units as the only guarantee of a more realistic milk collection.
“This year, the scheme changed. In previous periods, we carried out the contracting directly with the farmers, now, we do it with the productive units.” But he assured that based on experience, they have assumed that this variation does not mean the industry is moving away from the farmers but quite the opposite. Otherwise, the goal of guaranteeing milk for children will not be achieved.