Intending to show its routines and those who are involved in them, the Communications Department of the Las Tunas Electric Company publishes the Energía Tunera magazine (Las Tunas Energy), a novelty within the Cuban business system.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- This project was created to inform the internal public of the company about everything that happens, from the central body to the grassroots business units; it also expects to reach readers outside of the company.
Dianelis González Palmero is manager "B" in Communication and Marketing of this entity and explains that the magazine has several sections, from life stories to the immediate information of the months that are passing.
"One of the purposes of the magazine is to make people know a little more about the dynamics of the company, we try to capture everything that is the daily activity, but we also provide information that is useful for the population, especially in these times when technology has taken over our environment.
"The Energía Tunera magazine is one of the few national magazines that works with a monthly sequence in its digital format. So far, we have been establishing relationships with other companies to expand the information and also to show the autonomy that they are developing in terms of services and products.
This novelty allows them to approach the local and foreign public more easily to show the values that unite them.