The sales will be staggered

On October 5, the sale of school uniforms corresponding to the 2020-2021 academic year will begin throughout the province. 

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Odalis Marchán, provincial director of Commerce, told the local Radio that only those who are studying initial teaching grades will be sold.

“From the coming September 7, the distribution will begin to the 97 units that will make sales in the territory. In the first stage, the Primary and Basic Secondary educational levels will benefit. The rest will have their opportunity after the 2019-2020 school period officially ends and the necessary granting of quotas for continuity of studies are made.”

The directive explained that the process is being organized to sell in a staggered manner in establishments. That, she said, in keeping with the need to avoid crowds.

She specified that essential health measures will be taken in the midst of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, such as physical distancing, disinfection of hands and footwear at the entrance of the units, and the mandatory use of the facemask.

After five months of inactivity, more than 83 thousand students in Las Tunas returned to the classrooms to conclude the 2019-2020 academic year. In the late teaching stage, the figures will grow in some educational levels, an example of this is the increase in enrollment in basic secondary schools and Technical and Vocational Education.