Balance del Consejo Electoral Provincial, Las Tunas 2025

2024 was a year of intense work for the Provincial Electoral Council (CEP in Spanish) of this eastern province, a stage in which it organized and directed processes to fill vacant positions in districts and at other levels of leadership of the Local Bodies of People's Power.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- This is highlighted in the report that summarizes what was done in the period by this State organ, whose fundamental mission by constitutional mandate is to organize, direct, and supervise elections, popular consultations, plebiscites, and referendums that are called as a guarantor of participatory democracy in the country.

During the meeting, chaired by Alina Balseiro Gutiérrez, president of the National Electoral Council (CEN in Spanish), the attendees reviewed all the issues related to the integral operation. They emphasized the work projections for the current calendar, which include intensifying the actions of institutional communication and increasing the preparation and training of non-professional electoral supervisors and collaborators for their participation in the electoral processes.

They also valued the presence in digital platforms, the importance of stimulating the presence of youth in the calls, and to continue strengthening the identification, training, and stimulation of the electoral authorities and the auxiliary groups of information processing.

Balance del Consejo Electoral Provincial, Las Tunas 2025

Balseiro Gutiérrez affirmed that as a State organ, they are looking for ways to perfect the work and make it better for which they have articulated all the structures that accompany them because the electoral process is a process of the people and their participation contributes to the correct realization of the work, “because all the electoral steps are assured by the mass organizations together with the district authorities and the people (...)”.

In this sense, the president of the CEN urged a greater articulation of all the factors in the communities to achieve more quality in the processes that are called and to increase popular participation and their knowledge of the bases that sustain our participatory democracy.

Balseiro Gutiérrez congratulated the territory's electoral bodies for the work developed in the past almanac and exhorted them to continuously improve their performance.

In the meeting, the municipal councils of Jesús Menéndez and Majibacoa were praised as the most integral, and supervisors were recognized for their dedication to the work entrusted to them. Other organizations and companies of the territory that support the work of the electoral body were also honored.