In order to consolidate their relationship, the House of High Studies and the Provincial Delegation of Agriculture updated their work agreements and set the new projections towards a greater link.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- In keeping with the demand of these times, and in response to the call of the country's top management to increase food production, these ties are a priority, so that the producers apply the investigations, which is reverted in better agricultural yields.
During the signing of these contracts, endorsed by Yoel Martínez Vargas, delegate of Agriculture and Aurora Ramos De Las Heras, rector of the educational center, they recognized the solid relations between both institutions and highlighted the main tasks in the investigation, the generalization of results in food production, and postgraduate professional improvement.
According to the agricultural representative, "these exchanges represent a real boost in the context of more scientific food production." Meanwhile, De Las Heras reported that the University "is satisfied with the achievements, but not compliant since the current moments require greater integration, and together we can advance faster in terms of food production."
In the exchange, reference was made to the incorporation of the students to specific tasks of food production and to the twenty research results related to the agricultural development that need to be implemented on a larger scale in the territory.
Supporting producers’ practices from the point of view of science is the mission. Providing concrete solutions that have an implementation timeline and are systematically evaluated must be the indispensable compass in this calendar.