With a view focused on the stability of production, from diversification and compliance with quality standards, the production centers in the province implement strategies in the face of the scarcity of resources to maintain the vitality of the services and continue placing food in the networks of Commerce and Gastronomy.
Las Tunas, Cuba.- Dalgys Inés Pupo, Acting Director of Gastronomy of the Business Group of Commerce, told 26 that currently the 10 portioning centers in the province and the five mini-centers are working in correspondence with the need to create food modules that reinforce the diet of the inhabitants.
"The processing centers are active in all their production lines - Dalgys argued-: deli like croquettes, medallions, hamburgers; dough for shaped, sweets and, to a lesser extent, smoked and sausages.
"The Business Group intends continuing promoting strategies to keep productions vital. The lack of flour has been faced with creativity and the use of cassava incorporations. Creole sweets are also frequently made based on peas and cornflour.“
"Despite the scarcity of resources, the final quality of the assortments is ensured and the labor groups innovate in the search for solutions that allow the creation of a diversity of food.”
Even when the capacities of the portioning centers are below the real needs of the territory, their operation has contributed to a large extent with the collective feeding, the sale of food modules in the municipalities and, also, have been powerful distributors for the centers of isolation, from where the COVID-19 epidemic is fought every day.