The pain in the knees sometimes becomes unbearable and the hands slowly lose strength by arthritis; but, the man does not give up. He often hears the voice of his son, almost pleading, asking to take him to the city of Las Tunas, and the answer is always the same. “No, maybe later; but I can still be useful to the family and the people.”
Las Tunas, Cuba.- He is Rigoberto de la Rosa Zaragoza, known as Rigo, and resides in the community of Cuatro Caminos, a small rural town in the provincial capital. There, he owns a wide area, from which he obtains his livelihood and that of his family.
“There are 13 hectares dedicated almost all to livestock, and another part to various crops. Really, permanent fruit trees, because I can hardly sow the land anymore, I suffer very serious problems with osteoarthritis.
“I have a few mango plants, and this year I delivered 20 quintals to the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes credit and services cooperative, to which I belong. I gave five quintals of avocado.”
Rigo's strong management is the exploitation of his herds and, unbelievably, for milking, his hands are very well behaved. He has eight cows and four young bulls that he intends to sell this year, a heifer, several calves...
“Taking care of animals is my life, and even if it's Sunday I do it with pleasure. I get up every day at 4:00 in the morning to milk the cows. Then I have to get the milk to the collection point, which is almost two kilometers from the house. Fortunately, I have my trap.”
“In 2020, I delivered more than six thousand liters of milk, through direct sales at the food store, at a rate of about 500 liters each month. There was no problem to comply, and so far in 2021, I am doing quite well so I think I will comply again.”
“Now, in the dry season, I am delivering between eight and 10 liters. But, from May and June, that amount will increase when pregnant females give birth.”
In his lands, there are also rams, which he agreed with the Small Cattle Company. And he has chickens, pigs, and other animals for family consumption. No one is hungry or thirsty because natural pastures abound and that is an advantage, as it is the availability of water.
“A stream runs near the house. Sometimes, it dries up in the higher areas, but I have a turbine and a large tank. And that is not a problem for me.”
Neither are robberies; although, sentimentally, he still has not recovered from what happened to him in 2012, when one or more thieves took him a cow and a bull.
“It hurt, but I improved the corrals at the edge of the house and increased security. And having a very fine ear is another advantage.”
Rigo does not feel old and, for him, the life of a peasant is everything, because since it is what he has done since was a youngster, and assures that he will feel very bad the day he cannot take care of his land and his animals.
“I'm only 69 years old, journalist! I feel useful, and we have to fight; the Revolution needs us, and I want to contribute everything I can. If it weren't for osteoarthritis, I would work as a new man. I have the strength and desire to live. That is my pride.”