Lawyers and workers of Collective Law Firms made a donation to the José Martí isolation canter

Lawyers and workers of Collective Law Firms, representing the Las Tunas branch of the Union of Lawyers, bring hope to the José Martí isolation center through a donation; a sign of solidarity in times of COVID-19.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- “Many workers had approached us to see how we could support the Health System with some contribution, especially in these difficult times due to the COVID-19 rebound in our province. It has been a generous, humane, and solidarity work to organize this donation and send it to an isolation center. We coordinated with the Provincial Directorate of Public Health and government authorities, and we managed to get here to donate cleaning products, facemasks, disinfectant alcohol among other things, on behalf of our more than 70 workers,” explained Míriam Leonor Castillo Hernández, provincial director of the Collective Law Firms.

“They are people who think of others and share what they have. Low-income grandparents come here, who do not plan to enter, and being able to have these cleaning products that they have donated to us today represents a great help," said Yanelis Ramírez González, acting director of the José Martí isolation center.

"It may not be a large volume of resources, but it represents the humanitarian sense of each of our workers," Castillo Hernández pointed out.

The José Martí isolation center was the first of its kind when the COVID-19 pandemic began in Las Tunas; in December 2020, it welcomed the first positive cases in the territory. Today, it continues with these sanitary functions, as a facility for high-risk older adults. It has an availability of 84 beds.