Wilner Rondón Peña, a lover of bonsais

Around two thousand years ago, the art of bonsai originated in China, and little by little, this symbol, considered a bridge between the divine and the human, gained followers all over the world.

Leobanys Ávlia Góngora, CTC secretary-general in Las Tunas.

Leobanys Ávila Góngora, from his responsibility at the head of the Provincial Committee of the Workers´ Central Union of Cuba (CTC), assures 26 that these are not times to postpone debates or reproduce slogans, but to act promptly in full accompaniment to any labor collective or worker who experiences any dissatisfaction.

Monte Cabaniguán protected area, in Jobabo

Wetlands that form perfect labyrinths, well-preserved mangroves, birds that rest peacefully on the stumps of old dry trunks, elusive jutías that hide among the green foliage, iguanas that come out to sunbathe in the middle of the morning ... A whole balanced world where the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) is the king and natural engineer.

"It is indescribable what one feels when endangers beloved people.”

The unexpected call ipso facto erased the joy from his face. His 9-year-old nephew was sitting on his lap, laughing out loud at so much tickling. But that ringing stopped the fun and also the kisses and hugs, those that in the distance, just imagining them, heal the soul.