Taining workshop on the health care needs of pregnant adolescents.

The implementation of a second stage in the application of quality standards in the province, to specifically address the health care needs of pregnant adolescents, was the objective of a two-day training workshop held at the Provincial Centre for Hygiene, Epidemiology, and Microbiology.

Las Tunas.- This process is carried out in municipalities with high rates of teenage pregnancy. One of the objectives emphasizes sexual and reproductive health, intending to reduce early pregnancies, as well as increase the quality of care for adolescents.

These norms were adapted to Latin America and then to Cuba, they were culturally modified and in 2018, the implementation began, first with the piloting and then the second application.

Dr. Milagros Santacruz Domínguez, an official of the maternal and infant department of the Ministry of Public Health, explained: "Among the main results obtained during the first mass piloting is to achieve optimal quality in care, adhering to global standards, where the care of this population group that requires so much care was evaluated."

"As part of the measurable standards, the services provided are evaluated, starting with primary care and the offices of the family doctor and nurse, who must have the most specific knowledge.”

"In addition to the training, we evaluate the impact it has had in each territory, which cannot be analyzed in such a short period, because this improvement is achieved as the initiative progresses, with a tendency to decrease."

The doctor pointed out that this population should have a differentiated schedule. After all, it is a segment that does not feel sick and does not go for consultation because it does not consider that it has a medical condition, which is why it requires community support.

Santacruz Domínguez said, "One of the positive experiences in the province is in carrying out the adolescent survey, always taking into account their needs, always listening to their demands; elements that were not considered before, but that allow us to develop a package of services, a consultation specifically for them."