There are 2,114 hectares already in motion, taking advantage of the humidity of the soils

As of this month, the sowing corresponding to the cold season in various crops began in Las Tunas, which will guarantee higher levels in the production of viands, fruits, grains and vegetables for the coming months and much of next year. 

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Being a decisive stage towards a slight increase in production, since it is an optimal period for agriculture, the cold season takes advantage of the stage with the addition of more plantations compared to the same period of the previous year. In this sense, the planting of more than 20,468.7 hectares is planned, exceeding by more than 1,300 those of 2019.

Luis Oro Torres, sub-delegate for Various Crops in the province, explained that “of these are about 7,814.8 of viands, another 7,154.2 will be used for vegetables, there will be more than 4,983.1 of grains, citrus will reach 46.8, while for the total of fruits 531.9 are planned.”

In order to achieve these purposes, Las Tunas farmers consolidate strategies that include the use of biological means, organic fertilizers and greater exploitation of animal traction, since this campaign has to be fulfilled despite the fact that the territory does not have the necessary chemical products that for decades accompanied technology packages.

"The difference between this season, in relation to the previous ones, lies fundamentally in the fact that only the country will protect this province with biofertilizers and chemical products for some 1,200 hectares of beans, 300 of chickpeas and 415 of tomato, so we have to resort to other options for crop survival,” Oro Torres said.

Among the proposed figures, priority is given to sweet potato, cassava, plantain, tomato, squash, chickpea and beans, giving continuity to the short-cycle productions strengthened in the recently concluded spring campaign, which reached some 19,498.6 hectares, of the 17,946 planned, reported the sub-delegate.

"For this month of September -added the official- the enlistment of some 3,412.4 hectares is expected, of which 2,114 are already in motion, taking advantage of the humidity of the soils this season."

The farmers of Las Tunas take on the current campaign with the challenge of properly using existing resources, efficiently exploit the irrigation machines to sustain production, and increase yields per hectare; as well as the application of scientific research related to food production, based on the search for alternatives to real contingencies.