Las Tunas meteorologists celebrate World Meteorological Day

Predicting when a cyclone or a cold front is approaching, announcing the occurrence of cloudy or electrical storms, and studying the climate are the missions of a small group of specialists who work at the Meteorology Center of the province of Las Tunas and the stations located in this city and Puerto Padre.

Las Tunas meteorologists celebrate World Meteorological DayLas Tunas, Cuba.- For them, the day of March 23, World Meteorological Day, is one more of the extensive calendar since their routines are repeated with observations of weather variables every three hours and timely information to the people through different spaces of the radio stations and the local television.

Their work is essential for the economic and social development of the territory, because they support many important tasks such as the protection of people and electrical equipment, against various atmospheric phenomena, and food production.

Rather than saying how temperatures and winds will behave, what time the sun will rise, or what the phase of the moon is, its work extends to the sequence of different phenomena that affect citizenship; for example, global warming, drought and the appearance of phytosanitary diseases.

Precisely, these aspects are systematically collected in the agrometeorological bulletin that they do so that peasants and state producers know what day to sow or harvest and what pests or diseases may appear.

The entity has become, little by little, an indispensable part of the daily work of Las Tunas, and the weather forecasts monopolize the collective attention in any space. In fact, its effectiveness is 91.4 percent, above the national average, which until the end of February was 90 percent.

Las Tunas meteorologists celebrate World Meteorological DayBesides, the scientific-technical services, the exchange of information, and the working relationships with different organizations such as Plant Health, the Forest Ranger Corps, the Electric Company, the Delegation of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the University of Las Tunas stand out.

These men and women are in action before, during and after tropical cyclones, severe local storms, heavy rains, and cold fronts; also on hot days or when the cold cramps bones, when the dust of the Sahara invades us, and in eclipses, meteor showers and other phenomena.

World Meteorological Day has been celebrated every March 23 since 1961because on that date, in 1950, an agreement came into force that transformed the former International Meteorological Organization, a non-governmental entity, into the World Meteorological Organization, which has an intergovernmental nature.

World Meteorological Day

This year's motto is "Ocean, Climate and Weather" and the aim of the commemoration is usually to raise awareness among the world's population about the importance of climate care as a priority factor for ecosystem conservation and sustainable development.

Las Tunas meteorologists celebrate World Meteorological Day